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Are you looking to improve your golf game? Do you want to become a more powerful golfer with a more accurate swing?

In the past, I've written articles about golf exercises to help improve your golf game but realized I haven't included golf band resistance workouts in any of those. I would like you to consider incorporating resistance bands into your golf exercise routine as well for a more well rounded golf exercise experience.

Resistance bands, also known as exercise bands, can improve your golf swing speed and accuracy, provide resistance for a more challenging workout, and stretch and warm up your muscles.

In this article, we will discuss how to use resistance band exercises for golfers to improve your golf game and provide specific exercises to help you become a better golfer.

Specific Golf Exercises You Can Do with Resistance Bands

Hip Stretch

A hip stretch is a great way to warm up your hips before a round of golf. To perform this exercise, loop a resistance band around your ankle and stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.

Bring your left foot up towards your right hip while keeping your leg straight, then release and repeat on the other side. This exercise will help improve the flexibility in your hips, which is important for a fluid golf swing.

The video below shows an additional hip stretch.

Golf Resistance Bands

Leg Workouts for Stability and Balance

Your legs play a vital role in your golf swing, providing the stability and balance needed to hit accurate shots. Resistance bands can be used to strengthen your leg muscles and improve your balance.

To perform a leg exercise with a resistance band, loop the band around your legs just above your knees and stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Keeping your weight on your heels, sink down into a squat and then stand back up. Repeat this exercise for 10-15 repetitions, focusing on keeping your knees in line with your toes.

Core Exercises for Improved Rotational Movement

Having a strong core is essential for a powerful golf swing. Resistance bands can be used to work on your core muscles and improve your rotational movement.

To perform a core exercise with a resistance band, anchor the band around a stable object and extend your arms in front of you.

Rotate your torso to the right and left, keeping your feet planted on the ground and your elbows close to your body. This exercise will help improve your ability to rotate your upper body during your swing.

Wood Chop Exercise Benefits

Cross Body Lat Pulldowns

Cross Body Lat Pulldowns are a type of resistance band exercise that targets the muscles in your back, specifically the latissimus dorsi (or "lats").

This exercise can help improve your golf swing by strengthening these muscles, which are crucial for generating power and maintaining control during the swing.

To perform cross body lat pulldowns, anchor your resistance band above you. If you're at home, you can do this by closing it in a door or looping it around a sturdy overhead beam.

Stand sideways to the anchor point and grab the band with the hand furthest from it. Your feet should be shoulder-width apart.

Pull the band down and across your body, towards your opposite hip. As you pull, rotate your torso towards the band and keep your arm close to your body.

Slowly return to the starting position, maintaining resistance on the band as you do so.

Repeat for the desired number of reps, then switch sides.

Lat Pulldown Benefits

Wood Chops for Golf

Wood Chops can be performed with various types of equipment, including resistance bands, dumbbells, or medicine balls.

This is a great full-body exercise that primarily targets the core, but also works the shoulders, back, and legs. It improves rotational strength, which is crucial for a powerful and efficient golf swing.

To perform Wood Chops with a resistance band, anchor your resistance band above you. If you're at home, you can do this by closing it in a door or looping it around a sturdy overhead beam.

Stand sideways to the anchor point and grab the band with both hands. Your feet should be shoulder-width apart.

Pull the band down and across your body, as if you were swinging an axe to chop wood. As you pull, rotate your torso towards the band and bend your knees slightly.

Slowly return to the starting position, maintaining resistance on the band as you do so. Repeat for the desired number of reps, then switch sides.

Remember to keep your core engaged throughout the exercise, and to maintain a smooth, controlled movement.

As with any exercise, it's important to start with a resistance level that is challenging but allows you to maintain good form. As your strength improves, you can increase the resistance.

How to Do Wood Chop Exercise

Additional Golf Exercises with Resistance Bands

Backswing and Downswing Sequencing Drill

The backswing and downswing sequencing drill is a great way to work on the timing and rhythm of your swing.

To perform this exercise, anchor the resistance band around a stable object and initiate your backswing. As you begin your downswing, pull the band towards you, focusing on the timing of your movements.

This will help you develop a smoother and more fluid swing. Return to the starting position and repeat for 10-15 repetitions.

Deadlift Exercise for a Stronger Swing

The deadlift exercise is a great way to work on your lower back muscles, which are essential for a powerful golf swing.

To perform this exercise, anchor the resistance band around a stable object and stand on the band with both feet.

Holding the band with your palms facing towards you, bend your knees and hinge forward at the hips, keeping your back straight. Return to the starting position and repeat for 10-15 repetitions.

Functional Band Exercises to Target the Upper Body

Functional band exercises can help you target the muscles in your upper body, which are important for a powerful golf swing.

To perform a functional band exercise, anchor the resistance band around a stable object and grip the band with both hands. Pull the band towards your chest, focusing on squeezing your shoulder blades together. Release and repeat for 10-15 repetitions.

Why You Should Incorporate Resistance Bands into Your Golf Exercise Routine

Golf Portable

Golf resistance bands can be used anywhere. They are easily packed for travel. You can keep a band in your bag and use it to warm up your muscles prior to playing a round of golf.

Improve Your Golf Swing

Resistance bands can improve your golf swing by providing tension during the swing and allowing you to practice your swing at any time.

By anchoring the band around a stable object and using the tension to perform a practice swing, you can build your golf-specific muscles and develop a more powerful, faster and accurate swing.

Provide Resistance for a More Challenging Workout

Resistance bands can also be used to provide resistance for a more challenging workout.

By looping the band around your knee or ankle and performing exercises such as squats, lunges, or toe taps, you can work on your balance and stability while also strengthening your muscles.

By using resistance bands, you can challenge your muscles in new ways and continue to make progress in your golf exercise routine.

Stretch and Warm Up Your Muscles

Resistance bands can also be used to stretch and warm up your muscles before a round of golf.

By using a band to perform hip stretches or leg swings, you can increase your flexibility and reduce the risk of injury.

A proper warm-up routine can also help you perform better on the course by preparing your muscles for the physical demands of golf.

Back Stretches for Golf: Swing into Action
Improve your golf game with these effective back stretches. Prevent injuries, increase flexibility, and learn a pre-round warm-up routine for optimal performance.

Golf Back Stretches

Using Resistance Bands for Golf

Anchor the Band for a Focus on a Particular Movement

If you want to focus on a particular movement during your practice, anchor the resistance band around a stable object to provide tension in the direction you want to practice.

This can help you develop the muscle memory needed to perform the movement correctly during your swing.

Grab and Pull the Band for a More Intense Workout

To increase the intensity of your workout, grab the resistance band and pull it towards you.

This will increase the tension in the band, providing more resistance for your muscles to work against. This is a great way to challenge yourself and continue making progress in your golf exercises.

Extend Your Arms and Rotate for Strengthening Your Torso

To work on strengthening your torso and rotational movement, extend your arms out in front of you and rotate your upper body to the right and left.

The resistance band will provide tension, making this exercise more challenging and effective for building your golf-specific muscles.

Do Resistance Bands Really Help Improve Your Golf?

The Importance of Building Golf-Specific Muscles

Golf is a physically demanding sport that requires a lot of strength and power.

By incorporating resistance bands into your golf exercise routine, you can build golf-specific muscles that will help you hit the ball farther and more accurately.

Resistance bands can also help improve your flexibility and reduce the risk of injury, which is important for golfers of all skill levels.

Increase Swing Speed with Resistance Training

Resistance training is a proven method for improving swing speed, which is essential for hitting the ball farther.

By using resistance bands to provide tension during your swing, you can improve your swing speed and hit the ball farther with less effort.

How Resistance Bands Can Improve Your Golf Posture and Stance

Resistance bands can also help improve your golf posture and stance by providing feedback on your movements.

By anchoring the band around your waist and practicing your swing, you can develop the muscle memory needed to maintain good posture and keep your balance during your swing.

Overall, there are many benefits to incorporating resistance bands into your golf exercise routine.

Whether you are looking to improve your golf swing, increase your strength and power, or reduce the risk of injury, resistance bands can help you achieve your goals.

Always consult a physician or trainer before starting any new workout routine, and be sure to practice proper form and technique to maximize the benefits of using resistance bands for golf.

Golf Exercises With Bands - FAQ

What are golf exercises with bands?

Resistance band exercises for golfers are a form of resistance training that uses elastic bands to challenge and strengthen the muscles used in golf. 

These exercises can help improve flexibility, stability, power, and endurance, and can be done at home or in the gym.

How can resistance bands help my golf swing?

Resistance bands can help improve your golf swing by providing resistance to important muscles groups used in the swing such as the hips, legs, and core. 

By using resistance bands during your golf training, you can improve your balance and develop better sequencing between the upper and lower body which can lead to better performance on the course.

What are some leg exercises with bands that can help my golf game?

Some examples of leg exercises with bands that can help your golf game include squats, lunges, and lateral band walks. These exercises can help improve your stability, power, and balance during your golf swing.

How do I use bands to improve my backswing?

One way to use bands to improve your backswing is to attach a band to a stable object, stand facing the object, and execute your backswing while holding the band. 

This exercise can help improve your shoulder movement and develop better flexibility in your back for a smoother and more efficient swing.

Can resistance bands help with my balance during my golf swing?

Yes, resistance bands help with golf strength training to improve your balance during your golf swing by challenging your core muscles and creating a more stable base for your swing. 

By incorporating balance exercises with bands such as single leg deadlifts or standing cable rows, you can develop better control and balance during your swing.

What are some core exercises with bands that can help my golf game?

Some examples of core exercises with bands that can help your golf game include seated rows, woodchoppers, and oblique twists. These exercises can help improve your core strength, stability, and power during your swing.

How can I use bands to improve my downswing?

To use bands to improve your downswing, you can attach a band to a stable object, stand with your back to the object, and execute your downswing while holding the band. 

This exercise can help improve your hip and shoulder movement and create more speed and power during your swing.

Are there many different exercises I can do with bands to improve my golf game?

Yes, there are many different exercises you can do with bands to improve your golf game. 

In addition to leg and core exercises, you can also perform exercises that target your glutes, deltoids, and rear shoulder muscles to help improve your drive and overall performance on the course.

Do I need to go to a gym to do golf exercises with bands?

No, you don't need to go to a gym to do golf exercises with bands. Many different exercises can be done at home or outdoors, and with the right equipment, you can have an effective golf workout without ever stepping foot in a gym.

Bonus Question - Should I consult with a coach or trainer before starting golf exercises with bands?

It's a good idea to consult with a coach or trainer before starting any new exercise program, including golf exercises with bands. 

They can provide you with personalized guidance and instruction and help ensure you're using proper form and technique to prevent injury and get the most out of your workouts.


Resistance bands are a versatile and effective tool for improving your golf game. They can help enhance your swing, provide a challenging workout, and warm up your muscles, all of which are critical for a successful golf game.

The exercises mentioned in this article, from hip stretches to core exercises, can be easily incorporated into your golf exercise routine. Not only do they target golf-specific muscles, but they also improve your overall fitness, flexibility, and strength.

Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned golfer, resistance bands can help you reach your golfing goals.

Remember, always consult a physician or trainer before starting any new workout routine, and practice proper form and technique to maximize the benefits.

Thank you for visiting, and we hope to see you back soon!

Golf Workouts in the Gym: Your Secret Weapon on the Course
Improve your golf game with effective gym workouts tailored specifically for golfers. Enhance your strength, flexibility, and endurance to drive that perfect swing on the course.

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